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Polling interest in non-oem comanche bucket seat brackets

Would you be interested in non-oem MJ bucket seat brackets?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you be interested in non-oem MJ bucket seat brackets?

    • No
    • Yes as long as its not more then $50
    • Yes as long as its not more then $75

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Hey gang,


Long time Jeep guy, first time comanche buyer.


I'm in the process of starting of a business that would specialize in small metal parts for our Jeeps (from suspension brackets, to CB mounts, to switch panels, etc... you get the idea).


I'm formulating my initial product ideas, and was wondering if there is enough interest for me to fabricate a handful of comanche bucket seat brackets.


I've given up trying to find OEM ones for my new MJ... so I'm at least gonna make one pair. Does anyone else think there would be a market for non-oem seat brackets ... say in the $50-75 per bracket range?

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The riser assembly... not necessarily the sliders.


My basis is that a lot of people can get their hands on XJ seats (or any junkyard seats) but just need the riser assembly to bolt them into their MJ's. Corbeau sells "adapters" for their seats for the MJ but they are $89 a piece. I'm thinking something that would fit XJ seats, but be able to be drilled for different types of seats.


When you say brackets, do you mean the floor brackets or the sliding track that goes between the floor brackets and the seat?


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Hey... that's great news actually.


So what everyone was complaining about in regards to swapping out their bench seat is the sliders themselves?


I hate to burst your bubble, but the floor brackets under you bench are the same as the floor brackets under the buckets. You'd just need to adapt the floor brackets to the seat itself.
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Yup. The curved sliders will raise you up a bit higher than regular MJ buckets would. The power tracks are pretty much worthless to anyone but a hardcore fab guy. Also, the 4 door XJ seats don't fold forward. Only 2 door XJ seats do that. So the ideal junkyard find will be either MJ buckets, or 2 door XJ buckets with the straight slider assembly.

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