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Bed Liner On The Whole Darn Thing!

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So we are fininshing up my cage and there is a lot of bare metal. All that is left of Comanche body is the cab, hood and front fenders....


I have been kicking around the idea of doing some roll on bed liner on the whole thing for rust isues and rust prevention. Plus, I think it would be pretty much scratch proof.

I rolled my old cj7 hard top with the stuff and it looked awesome and held up great. I got a fine nap roller so It was not real rough like a bed liner..


Anyone ever done the bed liner on the whole thing? Its by no means a daily driver and I am thinking this would be the best thing for the trails.Plus I am looking to get rid of the white with brown rust streak look I got going on now.


Pictures or personal experience anyone? What sticks the best?




here is a pic of my cj top on my old YJ. Looks pretty smooth for easy clean up.


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Have you ever seen montaliner or u-pol raptor rolled on? looks like it was sprayed, and you can tint it whatever color you want. It is not a rough finish at all, but looks great. I would do fenders, grill, tub etc... in a heart beat and never worry about Texas pinstriping again.

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