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Temp Gauge and Hood Release Cable

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First off, my temperature gauge has been acting funny the last week. It doesn't do it as bad in the video, but when I get it to operating temperature (180-210); drive over 55; or put on the brakes, it starts jumping all over the place from the 160ish mark to where it normally sits. Is the gauge going out, or could it be that the wire to the switch was sitting across a hot exhaust hose, thereby causing an interference in the signal to the gauge? I'll ziptie it out of the way irregardless, but I just wanted to ask.



Second question is, there is a bevel cut into the throttle body top from my hood release cable laying on it while the engine is running. It's in the stock position, and I'm quite sure that something is wrong here. Does anyone else have this bevel, and should I be concerned about it? Is there anything I can put as a spacer between the TB and the release cable so the bevel doesn't get worse? (some pipe insulation or some sort)


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