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Front Caster too positive.. without shims..

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I've never had a vehicle with that much difference in caster shimming between the left and right sides. I think you should p/u an angle finder and measure caster on both sides to see what you have. Angle finders can be had anywhere, like here:




Once you measure, then we can commence with proper shimming. I don't have much faith in the idiot you originally brought your truck in for alignment.

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You have about 6* on the passenger's side (because of all the shims) and 3* on the drivers. Now shim both sides the same to get the angles as close to being equal as possible. You should get around 4*-5* on each side.


EDIT: Are you on level ground?

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Even though the alignment sheet (on page 2) says they are both at ~3*?


I'm not trying to prove you wrong at all or anything, I just want to get it right.. Also if my truck is wandering all over the road it would be caster causing that correcT?


One more thing.. I'm driving, and I make a left turn at about 10 mph, feels like my truck is going to roll over on its side, but it doesn't do it as much on the right.. Caster causing that too?


Thanks for the help so far, it's great getting this kind of help!


EDIT: Yes, I am on level ground in the garage.

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Obviously, if you made the measurements correctly, you have unequal caster R&L. These measurements assume that you are on level ground and your ball joints are in good shape. If mine, I would jack each wheel off the ground, put a 2x4 under each wheel, lift the wheel up and down vertically and check for play in the ball joints. It's good to have a helper for this. If no play, I'd shim out both LCAs equally then re-measure.

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