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NO fuel after recent 97 & up conversion

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I recently picked up a 91 Comanche that was inthe middle of getting a 97 & up conversion. The only last major item not completed was the fule system. I'm using a TJ 15 gallon tank with an XJ pump assembly. When I first installed the pump and hooked it up it didnt work. When I started looking into why I noticed that the plug on the pump had been taken apart. I then took the plug aprt and sorted out the wires and thought I corrected it. Now when I turn the key the pump comes on, I can hear it priming and tehn shuts off after a couple secounds. BUT, its still not getting fuel. I removed the line from the pump and tuen the key to see if any fuel would come out, and it doesn't... I'm thinking I maybe have the wires wrong. does anyone have the wiring diagram for a 97 XJ fuel system? Any other ideas?


Thanks is advance!

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