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heater help!!!

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so yesterday I'm sitting in my truck at lunch with the truck running listing too the raido with the heat on high. then the fan just quits blowing hot air is still coming out but very very slowly. I take it that I just need too replace the the blower, I checked the fuse and it's good. is there something else that would cause the blower not too come on?

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If the resistor pack is bad, the fan will still operate on high speed, it just won't operate at the lower speeds. Yes, it is possible for the fan motor to die. It's an electric motor -- it has an armature and brushes (so-called -- they aren't really "brushes" as we think of a brush), and the brushes eventually wear down to the point they can't maintain contact with the armature. I'm currently on the third blower in my '88 Cherokee.


Auto Zone has new blowers -- the impeller is a separate part from them if you break the old one trying to swap it over.

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well now don't I feel dumb, I took the dash apart and what do I find? just a loose connection :fs2: at some point some one broke the tab that holds the connection. thank for the help guys.

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