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rd30/rd100 ARB locker differences

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i have an arb air locker in my zj and i was thinking of putting it in the mj IF it was the rd100. i dropped the diff cover to look for a number but with it still in the axle the only # is found on the carrier was #05080813 I'm assuming this is the serial number. seeing as its the weekend are there any ways to tell which one it is?


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just trying to figure out what i have. ive done a little research and seems that the rd30 is the orignal and the rd100 superceeds it and is a better design. if its the rd100 i will get it rebuilt (seems the cross pins for the spider gears had movement) and replace the detroit true track. thinking the best way will be to call ARB monday but any help would be appreciated.

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stopped by ARB headquarters today. they treat locals real good. found out that rd30 are 3 piece and rd100 are 2. also got my rd100 swapped out for a rebuilt one(all parts laying around from other lockers) for one hell of a deal. very impressed with their service and i bs'd with the tech while he was rebuilding it :D thinking of selling the 44 with e-locker and doing an ARB in the rear

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