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Basic Engine Intake/Exhaust Maintenance

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Jobs have not been too kind to me in the last year or so here in California, and if I can't find one soon I have plans on moving on to another state. Before I pack up my new MJ and make a cross-country tour, I want to do everything I can to bring my Comanche up to peak running condition.

I am planning on going through my MJ and cleaning out/replacing some/all of the following:


EGR Valve

IAC Module

TPS Sensor

Intake Air Sensor

O2 Sensor

Fuel Injectors



However, seeing as how I have been out of the job for so long, cash for parts is pretty much non-existant. So, cleaning these parts is going to be my main goal as opposed to replacing them.


Does anybody have any tips/tricks for cleaning out these parts? Is there anything else I should scrub out? Is it even possible to clean them out or are they parts that just need replacing? If you've pulled these parts for either repair or replacement, I would appreciate any help you could give me, as the Straight Six is a brand new engine to me.




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