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temperature and oil pressure gauge problem

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Well my Comanche just underwent major surgery. I just tore out a knocking renix 4.0 and i replaced it with a 4.0 H.O. The wiring and the engine are all 1995. After many hours of swapping harnesses and random parts that i wouldn't think need changing like pedal brackets and transfer case shifters my jeep is finally close to running it fires very well and sounds great.



Now the problem, when i plug in the gauge cluster and turn the key on; the oil pressure jumps all the way to the right side and it literally pegs it out even with the sensor unplugged. The temperature never rises above the 90 degree mark no matter how long it stays on. Are these two things connected? Any ideas as to the problem or how to fix it?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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What cluster are you using?


The oil pressure gauge doing that indicates that the sender for the gauge is actually for a light. And if that's the case for the oil pressure, it's most likely the case for the temp sender.

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