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Remove a dash

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I found an 86 mj at a jy recently that has a black interior. I already removed the plastic interior pieces and am considering removing the dash. I am not sure why I need it but I just don't want to see it go to the shredder. Can anyone offer any advice on how difficult it is to remove a dash?

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That is a pretty good write up, but he removes much more than needed, especially if in the Junkyard. To pull my dash out nearly complete, I did the following:


- Disconnect battery

- Remove plastic Bezels and covers from dash

- Disconnect steering column harness, drop and pull out steering column

- Disconnect Dash harness at the firewall, the plug is held together with a 10mm bolt and any door/kick panel feeds

- Disconnect/Remove TCU

- Trace and unplug HVAC vacuum lines

- Loosen but do not remove the 15mm support bolts at the A-pillar

- Remove the 10mm bolts along windshield and start to rotate the dash away from the firewall

- Disconnect vent plumbing and any other plugs you may have missed

- Remove the two 15mm bolts you loosened up, beware the dash is heavy and will fall to the ground

- Pull dash out and stick the bezels back on

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'86 is slithly different since it's carbureted. I'm not sure about every '86 dash but on mine, the top dash bolts under the defrost vent were a royal pain to get to. There are also a lot less wires on the '86. Other than that, the steps sound about right.

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