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ZJ steering box question

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Just happen to have a ZJ steering gear in the garage . It's rebuilt with very low K . So I was going to drop it in the MJ since the steering feels like an old 60's truck .


Question is will the MJ's 2.5l PS pump drive the new box ok or not ?

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The MJ pump has higher operating range than the ZJ. The release valve on the MJ is 1400psi. on the ZJ it is 1100-1200. Operating pressure for the MJ is 125psi. For the ZJ 150psi. If I was doing it I would go ahead and swap. Keep a eye on the box for leaks. If any develop then set the relief valve to a lower setting. Also in about another week or so I plan on doing the same swap. Let me (us) know how yours turned out, or just wait until I've finished. Or to answer your question, yes it should.

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Thanks for the reply .


Ok , so I'll go ahead and swap them them . The valve your refering to is the one in the pressure line at the pump ? I ask because I just happen to have a ZJ valve kicking about here somewhere (ha , it was in my desk drawer) . I could do the swap right now :) .


Either way , I'll get the box in tonite or tomorrow morning . I'll post the results up here for you . Having 2 ZJ's has come in handy having a bunch of spare parts :) . Only lift parts I had to buy were rear leafs , rear shocks and 3 brake lines .

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In for updates...my '88 steering box is a bit loose.


Couple more days , slight change of plans . I ordered some IRO brake lines (they came in yesturday) ordered 2 axle upper CA bushings but the listings only had lowers and I got the wrong ones , so , I won't get those till tomorrow morning now (bushings are way bad , really soft) Quite possibly a cause of the wandering .


Well , figured if I'm doing all that , I need to pull and install the hp30 from the 98 XJ . I'm gonna try to get that in the garage and off tonite . Clean it , turn the heat on overnite and paint it before leaving tomorrow morning . Come home , pressure wash the MJ(new nozzle is at the post office:)) the old box is pretty dirty from the yrs and I missed that area when I last trailered the MJ to the car wash . Then I can install the shiney new box , reconnect the V8 ZJ steering and also the hp30 . Should look pretty sweet when I got it all back together . Pics will follow in my build thread but I'll comment on the difference on here . My steering box is pretty beaten , there's little to no return to center and it kinda binds then suddenly over steers . Good chance it's been over adjusted on the over the top adjustment . Plus the output has alot of play coupled with 2 signifigant oil leaks :nuts: I may have to get some new lines also .

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Decided to try adjusting the steering box today , the original from the truck .


I started to release the steering shaft from the box , but the damn this would not slide no matter how hard I pried .


I removed the air box completely , still no luck with the shaft sliding/colapsing . To hell with it I though , I'm gonna do a quickie adjustment on the box .


Using a long and short screwdriver , I managed to get the lock nut off . Then , using a grinder wrench , I was able to tighten the nut/adjuster . I then marked it when tight , made another mark 9mm counterclockwise to that mark , and adjusted the nut back to that mark . Re-installed the lock nut and air box and took it for a spin .


Huge difference . Drove much straighter , had little to no play and felt as good as a worn box could , lol . I didn't do the over the top adjustment , doubt it would change much , may still try .


This took about 45 mins to 1 hour . Wasn't that hard , never did anything to spec , but the results were really good . Got to say I would recomend this to anyone with a jeep . I'm gonna do my 5.9 next . Perhaps keep that shiny new box on the bench , lol .


The adjusting nut was about 1/8-1/4 turn loose before getting tight , it was out quite a bit . Only advice is watch your marks when tigtening the lock nut on


I'd certainly try this before spending money on a new box .


My little write up is ok , but here's a TBS on the adjustment http://dodgeram.info/tsb/1997/19-10-97.htm


I did the bearing preload

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Is that the quick ratio box? Looking to sell it now that you don't need it? :brows:


Can't , it was a rebuilt I paid more for than my MJ , lol . I originally bought it for the lifted ZJ . After going so high I decided to get a waggy box (4bolt) for added strength . This one has maybe 4-5K .


But hey , if you do the adjustment , good chance you won't need one either . I just got back from a trip to the city and the MJ drove freakin great compared to before . I was really impressed , the steering was really tight , wandering to a minimum and on the way back , had about 5-700lbs of wet mulch on the back , again , it still drove great . The load gave me a little pull to the right but not major and easily handles . I also have about 20mph winds on the way home .


Yeah , I'm really impressed what a little adjusting can do for the jeeps steering . I'm definately doing the same on the 5.9 , and maybe my 07 Ram 3500 as well .

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