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Steering Column Swap

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Well, the bushings in my steering column are so shot that when I spun the wheel for a hard left the other day, the steering wheel shot out of the window and gave the passenger in the car next to me a concussion. This embarrased me so badly that I clamped vise grips on the stub and headed over to the U-Pick to see what kind of replacement I could come up with. Found a donor Cherokee with a really nice, tight, matching grey column and it was complete with a MINT leather wrapped sport wheel AND THE KEY WAS IN THE IGNITION! It just doesn't get any better than that! The driver's door was gone, so I'm not too sure what year it was, but the engine had the Chrysler intake, and the key was Chrysler, so it was somewhere between a '91 - '96. Mine's a Renix, but I bought it anyway. It looks like it has the plugs that I need, but there are some extra, mysterious plugs as well. If anyone has had experience with a similar swap, I'm all ears. Thanx, Spence

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You have the main plug which is attached to the column. This is standard on all columns and has the horn, turn signals and emergency flasher wires. Then there will be one or two plugs that will come out of the column housing but will be loose, not attached to anything. One will be for the cruise control and one will be for the washer, wipers.

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