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Heater Core?

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Make sure the heater valve is working and not stuck closed, if found to be ok, feel the heater hoses to see if they are getting hot, try flushing the heater core with your garden hose - you will be surprise how much crap comes out...

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It's not that when the heat is on it blows cold air. When it's on cold its fine, but when the heat is on it doesn't blow at all, hot or cold, but you can still hear the fan working. Makes me think that the tubes in the core aren't clogged but maybe the fins are clogged externally by some foreign substance e.i. mouse nest. Wich is possible because I have found quite a few mouse nest.

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You could start by removing the cowl, plastic body panel the windshield wipers come through, and cleaning it out. This is the intake for the blower motor.


More than likely a vacuum line got unplugged somewhere in the dash and is not allowing the proper HVAC 'doors' to open or close.

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