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Another overheating thread...

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Noticed that the hose on the bottom of the expansion tank was seeping coolant. Removed stock clamp, put on a new one, tightened, and no more seepage, but we're still overheating.


I had the same thing happen with my truck. I thought the hose was leaking coolant at the bottom of the tank. The tank had a hair line crack at the half way point from top to bottom, at the same level as where the collant is supposed to be. I would add coolant and think it was leaking from that fitting but it was leaking from the crack on to that fitting. Since the crack was at the level the coolant was supposed to be at, I never gave it a thought. I replaced just about every part of my cooling system until I finally figured out that it was the tank and cap.


I got a new tank and cap from the dealer and that took care of the problem for a while. Unfortunately the cap would not hold pressure and I had the same problem again. I now have a Mac's tank and no more problems.


Hope this helps.

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