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wiring harness swap questions

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I have a 87 5 spd mj, that it is begining to have numerous electrical gremlins, I replace the clutch system years ago and cleand the fuse block but the damage before that took its toll. Iwant to just swap ou the Entire wiring harness cab and engine side,


My question


I found an 87 5 spd mj in the junk yard that is in relitively ok condition, I haven't pulled the fuse block off yet to look behind it


I also found 2 89 or 90 auto cherokees that still have a full wiring harness intact.


My concern is the C101 connector, do I pull the wiring out of the junkyard mj and clean all the wires and connectors and hope that C101 holds up


Pull the auto cherokees that don't have the C101 or the slow death from a leaky clutch seal?


Is the cherokee harness thaty different???

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Engine bay harness is exactly the same afaik, the cab harness is different due to the lack of a back seat, different tail light / fuel pump setup, cargo light + associated switch, no rear wiper switch, etc.

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The C101 connector in the engine compartment simply joins the top of engine harness and the rest of the engine compartment harnesses together, and then goes to the ECM. Some guys have actually deleted the connector altogether and spliced the two harnesses manually,


The cab harness is the same from the dash standpoint, but differs from the seats back.

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can i mix and match?


If i understand this right, ecm wiring goes thru the cab then connects to the engine harness. Then there is the chassis electrical that has the fuse block and protects all the lighting and auxilary systems.


So is there 2 seperate wire systems???

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