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Tranny Trouble.

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Ok. So the tranny in my Comanche had been acting up lately. If I put it in D it would act as if it were under a load until about 20mph. But if I put it in 1 it took off really well. Yesterday on the way to my parents liquor store it started reving (sp?) high and not going anywhere and everntually stopped. So I turned it off got underneath it and there was some tranny fluid on the ground but not alot. 5 minutes later I started it up and it drove another mile or two and got to the store barely. So does anyone know what this sounds like? And if anybody has a spare 2wd AW4 i'd gladly take it off your hands. :D


Thanks for any help


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There is a plug in the pan. Drain whats in the pan. (Its only a small portion of the total capacity) and refill to proper levels.


Simply lo fluid levels will cause the problem you describe.

Because of the relatively high temps the 4.0 runs (Most engines 180, the 4.0 is 210) at it causes the tranny fluid to break down faster. A flush, filter change and refill would be better. But try my suggestion and see what you get. Its a simple and inexpensive job.



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I just dumped my trans fluid yesterday. The capacity of the pan was just under 4 qts. The fluid coming out looked nice n' red but when I compared it to the new fluid it was red opaque as opposed to red clear. I'll probably drive it a couple weeks and dump the pan and refill to get at least 1/2 of the fluid swapped out. Then maybe again in a month or so.


I found it helpful to dump the old fluid in something where I could measure and then replace just that much. This worked well because the fluid level was good BEFORE so it should be the same AFTER.

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