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Adjusting ALignment on 4X4

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Hey guys, I forget. I need to adjust my alignment tomorrow - so -

When I twist the tie rod, which way causes the front of the tires to toe-in? Up or down?





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OK, for future reference:


UP toes it in, Down toes it out. At least, it does on my 1986 XLS 4X4.


It only took 1/5 crank down to fix the alignment issues I had. So I wouldn't go cranking hard on it at first. This fixed maybe a 1/8th inch offset



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Installing an after market front bumper didn't noticeably drop down the front, but when someone pointed out my bent tie rod (the beefier V8 ZJ one) I decided to check the alignment exepcting to find too much toe-in.


Turned out I had 1/2" toe OUT from the weight of the bumper...


Once you get up past 4.5-5" of lift, it changes a lot with a little difference in ride height.

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