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Ignition and Clutch Issues

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I was wondering about a couple things with my truck (88 4x4 4.0 BA-10). First off my truck as a bad miss when it is cold around 2k rpms and I hear it at idle missing. The IAC is on the way out I know that so my idle is irratic (bounces from 500-800 RPM). It always does that miss at 2k under normal throttle in every condition just worse when cold. I did a full tune up, plugs, wires, cap, rotor and recently put in some ford 19# injectors. It did it with the old injectors too so it isn't them. I am thinking a the ignition module or coil?


Now the clutch issue just started monday after work. Now it has been extremely cold here lately the last couple of days it has been 0 with a windchill of -20. So sunday I noticed my pedals where creaking and hard to press. Then Monday after work my clutch felt different like it engaged at a lower point and was hard to get into reverse and 1st. It has not gotten any better even though today it got above 30. It still works but feels different and softer and is harder to get into 1st and reverse.


So I think maybe my slave cylinder is crapping out. I check the reservor and the fluid was still full. So I don't know, you wouldn't know the clutch is fine one day and the next day is sucks, so could it be the clutch itself?



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If you have no fluid loss, then it seems likely that it may be the clutch. The unfortunate part is...the only way to tell that for sure is to take the tranny out. The clutch kits for these trucks come with a new slave cylinder if you buy aftermarket, but I don't recommend using the slave from them. Get one from the dealer...you'll be glad you did in the long run...as I found out :cheers:

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i have an 88 4.0l with 5speed and my throw out bearing was leaking really bad and not letting the truck go into gear. not bad to change about a two day project for me i went ahead and changed the clutch why i was in there... just thought i would share that with you...

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  Bansheemanche said:
A clutch could just take a dump like that one day it is fine normal pedal and the next day it will barely go into gear?
Yes...that is what happens to a hydraulic clutch. With the older style cable actuated clutch, you could feel it getting weak and adjust it, but with hydraulic...it just wears down and all of the sudden quits in most cases. Mine did exactly that on the YJ as we were driving home from a trail ride one day and we had to call a tow truck to take it to the shop that I worked at then...4 Wheel Parts - Orlando.


As Pete said, it is possible for the master or slave to fail internally and just not be able to hold pressure without leaking and I have had this happen to me too. :cheers:

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