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Unimog Axles - crazy dream or expensive possiblity?

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  DirtyComanche said:
They're not centred stock, if you narrow them they will be. Unless they cut more off the narrow side.




These would be 404s, that is?




Of, if you're swapping in portals, you might as well link the front and rear.


The rear needs to be narrowed on the long side the center the diff, and the front needs to be centered on the short side to move the diff out of the oil pan. (The diffs are barely offset, just enough to cause trouble)




The YJ under the sami in this pic has 404s under it- they haven't been narrowed, and the diff "clearanced" the oil pan even SOA with RE springs.


318773833RwFPDd_th.jpg 318774018GlJnvG_th.jpg


Trust me, Mogs are a PITA to swap. (I plan on swapping some soon to my CJ6, but I expect it to be a PITA)

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