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Cab Corners/c2C Rocker Panel Skins $100/$40 Mn.


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Hey all,

I have a set of good lower cab corners (this is the lowest part of the corner at the bottom only)

$100+shipping (usps)


Also I have a set of C2C rockers that have had the upper "lip" trimmed off, basically just the "skin" These are not tapered like a set of OEM rockers, but with a little more work they would fit really nice

$40 for the pair.


I won't split up the pairs. Please email me direct at lexluthier72@yahoo.com for details, and put comanche parts in the subject line, otherwise it will be sent to the spam folder.



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Here is the end profile of the panel after I cut it. The green arrow is the top side of the rocker, and the spot where I cut. I basically trimmed off the "door threshold" part. These may take further trimming/fitting as they are not tapered like an OEM rocker.


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