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Wiring issue - Interior lights & marker/tail lights not working

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I have been working on an issue for a while and need some help. My interior lights and marker/tail lights do not work. The fuse block under the dash has a fuse labeled INSTLMP. This fuse has power sometimes and other t8mes it does not. I have pulled the fuse box to check the wires coming into the box and they look fine and are seated properly. Where does the power for this fuse come from? Is there a junction somewhere I should check? It is an orange wire with a black tracer. 

Yesterday while working on it the lights just started working and worked the rest of the day. Today they did not work and the Jeep didn’t move overnight. Any ideas on where to look?

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Have you cleaned your grounds?


The interior lights are on the dome lamp circuit, those are controlled by switches in the door that are known to corrode.


the instrument panel lamps are on a different circuit than the front marker and tail lights. 


The parking lamps fuse however is your tails and front marker lights. 

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