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Cruise Control kits TSB

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I am issuing a technical service bulletin for my cruise control kits. 


If you have purchased a kit from me and cannot get it to work, please let me know. I have a solution. Use zip-ties where I have rubber tube mating with plastic tubing. This will eliminate a vacuum leak preventing cruise control from working.


Why am I issuing this?

Well I was having issues with my new 4wd set up and decided to use zip ties on the hoses to prevent them from slipping off and causing issues. This worked for me pretty well and I feel it should work well for my kits if I sent them out with plastic tubing mated to the rubber hoses.


I will be locking this but please PM me if youre having any issues and I can happily send some zip ties along as I have a metric ton.

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  • 6 months later...

Adding in the TSB I found in the 1989 Chrysler TSB book.



Basically if your speedo bounces after replacing the cable, the orientation of the speed sensor could very well be wrong. Just performed this on my MJ and speedo bounce went away.

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