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3 Taillight sets-SC


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Set 1-$200 shipped in the us

Drivers- lens has small cracks in two of the corners and is faded. Housing is in good shape with all mounting points intact


Passengers- lens has small piece on one corner that was broken off and glued back on and lens over all is faded. Housing has pieces missing and one broken tab


Set 2-$200 shipped in the us

Drivers- lens has a chip out of the edge, broken corners and is faded. Housing is in good shape with all mounting points intact


Passengers- lens has 2 chips out of the edge and is faded. Housing is in good shape with all mounting points intact


set 3- SOLD

Drivers- lens has a crack in one edge, chip out of the corner and has very minor fading. Housing has both mounting tabs intact and a small chunk missing from one of the mounting holes


Passengers- lens has no cracks and two tiny chips from one edge and has minor fading. There’s also some overspray on on corner that should be able to be removed. Housing has one broken mounting tab


I posted one pic of each due to available space but I have lots more that I can pm to anyone interested. These are posted for more on eBay but I’d rather sell them on here to someone that needs them. I’m also open to offers or trades for other jeep stuff




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