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2000 Cherokee AX15 swap help

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Hey guys! My brother owns a 2000 Jeep Cherokee Classic. He wants to convert it to a manual, but would like a late model Jeep to work with since most things will be closer to the style he has. I found a 1998 cherokee on CL and it is a manual, BUT 2WD. Could we convert that to work in his Jeep?I have a guy with a 95 cherokee who would possibly part with driveshafts that are for a manual. Any help is appreciated! :D

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First, to mount a transfer case to a 2WD transmission you'll need a different tailshaft and tailshaft housing, which effectively means buying a 4WD transmission anyway. Also, the AX-15 will work, but the 2000 XJ didn't use the AX-15, the correct tranny is the NVG 3550.

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