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4.0 swap transfer case question

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So I went to the junk yard and grabbed a front drive shaft from a cherokee but when I got home I noticed it wouldn't fit the yoke on the transfer case, the yoke is a different style, the transtransfer case is a 231 j I got a from a cherokee. I went back to the junk yard and found the right yoke but now I can't get the nut off of the transfer case to swap them. Is the transfer case wrong or drive shaft?

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The yoke looks the same but the clearance between the bolts and transfer case is way smaller than the yoke I pulled, I'm going to try again and it i can't get it off then it looks like I am in for a trip to the junkyard for a different transfer case

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Tried again today but I tried a way I read in another forum about jamming a breaker bar against the frame rail and then using the engine to break the nut loose, instead in snapped the front out put shaft off, off to the junk yard for a new transfer case

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