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Replacing the 4 relays on the Renix

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Are they all the same relay?  the ones in mine looked original, made in canada, and they were all the same exact relay.  I had read hear or the cherokeeforum that you need to take them out and put them back in and not mix them up, maybe that is for the HO?


I replaced them all with this one.




Before I replaced the relays, when cranked, my volt gauge always showed 12.5V - 13V, not the 14V I'm used too.  I checked the battery and alternator, both good.


With the new relays, it's a steady 14V always.  I'm guess one of the relays was bad and drawing?


I was trying to solve two issues, low/rough idle and hard crank.  It fired right up.  I warmed up the vehicle, then came and let it sit for 15 minutes, and then it fired right up again!


I'm not calling it a win yet, more testing today, but seems promising.


I'm assuming it must have been the throttle or B+ relay not resetting the TPS or something.


I was hoping for a bad o2 heater relay as well and my rough idle to be fixed, but no luck there yet.

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So far so good, I think she is cranking and firing up good now.  Must have been a relay.


The voltage went back to my normal 13V on the gauge, that must have been me not realizing, but it looks like in the morning my voltage reads a little higher.  So that was unrelated.


But looks good so far.

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