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ignition coils burning up

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Hello guys. Well about a month of you some of you might remember I went through $#!& finding out why my truck kept dieing and narrowed it down to the ignition coil. Replaced ran great. Well now the problem is happening again so Wht would cause my ignition coil to short out so quickly?

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You didn't mention what year, engine, etc. you are talking about.


Anyhow, I smoked two coils pretty quickly on my 91 when I first got it. The problem turned out to be a bad ground from the neg.battery terminal to the coil mounting stud. I ran a new AWG 8 wire from the coil mount to the neg battery terminal and haven't had any coil problems since. If just grounded by a mounting bolt to the block or elsewhere, a crusty or loose connection will create impedance and cause the coil to overheat and burn up fairly quickly.

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