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Purging out bad gas and leaking injectors

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'88 Eliminator with 4.0 and 5sp. I had to replace the fuel pump this evening, and, while better, it still won't start. I tried to purge the system but turning the pump on with the key many times, after each time, opening the valve on the fuel rail to let the bad gas out. How could I get some injector cleaner into the fuel rail? I have Injectors 2 and 3 that look wet for no reason other them leaking. Are there gaskets/o-rings that could be replaced, or do I need injectors too? Thanks!



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If the injectors are leaky, it could be the oring that is on the top and bottom of the injector.  They are fairly straight forward to replace and cheap to buy.  It could also be the injector body itself, there is a seam between the two halves that like to leak when they get old.  If you need to replace the injectors, Ford Mustang ones are a common swap and fairly inexpensive to buy.


As for getting injector cleaner into them while it isn't running, I'm not sure on that one.

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Well, I'll probably just replace the injectors anyway, 181k miles and 27 years old, might as well. I heard about the Mustang injectors, and had planned on replacing the ones in my CJ9 when they fail. What year Mustang would these be from?



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