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Remove Door Panel

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The video isn't terribly helpful. Pull the window crank handle straight off, unscrew the 3 screws on the door handle, the 2 screws on the handle, rotate it 90 degrees (up) to remove if it's the "hockey stick" type. Then use a tool to pop the clips off the back side of the panel, on the front, back, and bottom and pull the panel up and away, off. You don't even need to remove the door handle clips, just fit it through the panel when pulling it off.

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The video isn't terribly helpful. Pull the window crank handle straight off, unscrew the 3 screws on the door handle, the 2 screws on the handle, rotate it 90 degrees (up) to remove if it's the "hockey stick" type. Then use a tool to pop the clips off the back side of the panel, on the front, back, and bottom and pull the panel up and away, off. You don't even need to remove the door handle clips, just fit it through the panel when pulling it off.

:agree:  Yep that's how I did it. It's pretty straight forward when you do it....one of those you just jump right in and do. There really is nothing to it. :thumbsup:

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