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i need help! okay so my jeep comanchee '87 6cyl is haveing issues. just yesterday it started running rough and at times it seems to want to die and stutters as if it is not getting any fuel. i don't know too much about fuel systems. if i just let it do its own thing while I'm driving it puts and stutters but then continues driving fine, it does this about every 30sec or so. anybody have any ideas?

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Check your fuel pressure. You should be able to rent a gauge (for free with a deposit) from most parts stores. Or just buy one. It should come with the right fitting to screw onto the schrader valve (like a big tire valve) on the fuel rail.


One common issue is the fuel pump ballast resistor goes bad. It's a little whitish ceramic deal on the driver's side fender. Looks like this:

You can take the two wires going to it, and somehow connect them together. See if it improves things. All the ballast resistor does is reduce voltage to the fuel pump to slow it down, so it doesn't make so much noise. Not a big deal not having it in the circuit. Also, the fuel pump itself grounds behind the driver's side tail light, and this ground is notorious for going bad, so it's worth checking to make sure it's clean.


Something else to do, slowly work through as many of Cruiser's Renix Tips as you can. Tips 1 and 2 might even solve your issues.

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