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96 Xj Battery Tray Sensor / Switch ?

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Working on my sons 96 XJ we replaced the battery and noticed a little spring loaded sensor in the bottom of the tray.  When you lift the battery up the sensor pops up at a 45 degree angle?  The sensor has two wires and a connector on it.  I should have taken a picture...  Any body know what this is?

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To the best of my knowledge, it's there to measure the temperature of the battery to control charging rates.


Just as an add on, what the Jeep manual says:

The BTS is used to determine the battery temperature
and control battery charging rate. This temperature
data, along with data from monitored line
voltage, is used by the PCM to vary the battery
charging rate. System voltage will be higher at colder
temperatures and is gradually reduced at warmer
The PCM sends 5 volts to the sensor and is
grounded through the sensor return line. As temperature
increases, resistance in the sensor decreases
and the detection voltage at the PCM increases.
The BTS is also used for OBD II diagnostics. Certain
faults and OBD II monitors are either enabled
or disabled, depending upon BTS input (for example,
disable purge and enable Leak Detection Pump
(LDP) and O2 sensor heater tests). Most OBD II
monitors are disabled below 20 degrees F

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