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97+ Dash With 96 Column


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I was going to go with a metal dash but really like how the new style one look...... I have the 96 harness and column (to replace my 91 harness and no-tilt column) my question is has anyone ever tried to hang the 97 + dash over the 96 column. I'll still be using the 96 harness and I'll be going full gauges and a custom center console so hvac won't we an issue either. I did some quick measuring the other day and the steering column seemed to be located in the same location for both body styles...... any thoughts?

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I realize they are completely different but lets just say I leave the pedals, 96 column, heater box and harness from the 96 in the vehicle. I already have to make new dash mounts because of my interior roll bar and from my measurements the center of the column seems to be in the same place even though the columns mount completely different. I was just thinking it would be cool to update to the new dash since I'll only be using the shell of the dash anyway..... no electronics.... I'll also be mounting the HVAC controls from the old dash into the custom console.....

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all of those things infringe upon how the 97+ dash works. The heater controls are incompatible, as are radio accessory etc. The pedal assembly is the mount for the 97+ driver's side dash. The 96 heater box won't fit under the dash, it's the wrong shape. The steering column won't have a place to mount on the upper end.



all in all, not a great choice.

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I like OBD II, however I despise the "Bus" system..... I started this post because I just finished my cage and was getting ready to reinstall my 91 dash and thought it might be cool to just install the dash part of a 97 instead. I mean since the down bars are in the way of the side mounts and my windshield bar is in the way of my windshield mounts all that has to be an "Abortion" anyway regardless of what dash I hang in the truck. So with the exception of the gauges that will be replaced by after market ones anyway and the steering column which seems to be the exact same location I figured I'd ask if anyone had attempted this and maybe save myself some time. Thanks for your input it's exactly the kind of criticism I was looking for.

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Well, my suggestion is to find a 97 heater control with pigtails so you can make the heater work. Should pin out well, and 97 is still a cable op blend door. You may need the cable as well. Then get the switch panel from 97 up and use aftermarket switches in it.


The 96 has several kneeboard mounted modules that should be easy enough to mount.



Do not be surprised if you have to weld extra bracketry onto the dash supports to tie into your cage.


There are cavities in the 97+ in the most forward part by the a pillars, so if you hug the pillar posts to the firewall you should get away with minimal trimming.

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