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Rebuilt Steering Column Now Won't Start

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First let me say that I am pretty good at electrics, but somehow in the rebuild process something went horribly wrong and now my comanche won't start.


it seems like just yesterday (actually last week) the steering wheel broke at the mounting plate, (look ma no loose screws) and the steel tube sheared and I was left with a dangling steering wheel in my lap.


I pulled the steering column out completely, disassembled it, welded the broken pieces back together reassembled it and put it all back in.


I got power with the key and I am reasonably sure the ignition switch is properly adjusted to the right position.


I also don't feel the start return to run when I release the key.


it just won't start and acts as if the starter solenoid is not getting power, I confirmed this by crawling under and shorting the starter  and baw it starts.



1989 Jeep Comanche pioneer with a 4.0 litre and a 5 speed

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Did you reinstall the rod on the outside of the column when you put the column back together? The ignition switch pushes the rod which in turn pushes a button/switch that engages the starter. The button/switch the rod pushes is spring loaded to push back the rod, which makes the ignition return to the 'run' position instead of remaining in 'start'.


I am on my 3rd tilt column in my rig and have pulled on the rod on the outside of the column inadvertently while changing one, engaging the starter (much to my surprise).

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The rod from the ignition switch to the key cylinder is working but no return action is in it.


The ignition switch moves through the whole range of motion but does not start the jeep as if the switch was bad in the start position and it is not.

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