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88 Mj No Start, Just Click

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Just replaced the battery leads and the chassis ground ... now I just get a click. Went through all leads and sanded clean, tried another battery (this one started a 460/c6 combo recently so it's good).


I tried jumping the solenoid and the starter spins freely ... I think I have to get a second body to hold the key in the start position correct? To get it to actually start?


The motor will not crank, I just get a click.


Are the relays easily found, or can I swap in a Ford style relay if needed?

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Would the relay be a logical assumption? It Original equipment, Or should I look at the starter ... getting a relay order in for this afternoon, and they do have a starter on hand. I just checked voltage at all grounds and leads and I have a steady 12.37V even all the way to the firewall to block ground (replaced that with 4ga lead). The Battery leads are Store jobby 4ga leads. And again I have a steady 12.37V at the starter solenoid stud, and the relay.


I did get it to turn over for a second but it hasn't so much as twitched since.

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