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Stuck Door Check

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My passenger door check somehow moved back into door and is stuck. Only about 1 inch is still out.


I tried to pull it out, put my hand in door to push it out and it won't budge. I also tried to angle it to push it forward. How do I get it out?

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Place a steel rod, or small screw driver in the pin hole. Something to work with. Then get a claw hammer or crow bar. prying against the door it should come out. They can be a B*tch but it will come. Or remove the two bolts holding the roller assembly. Remove it from inside the door.

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To add to the above. Take a hammer and smack it and drive it back into the door.

It sounds like the roller is stuck. I suggest you remove it, there's two 10mm bolts holding the roller assembly. Remove them and let the whole thing fall back into the door frame. Retrieve it and see if the roller turns freely. If not, clean and grease, or replace. Don't be surprised to find the mount broken, letting the springs bind and jamming the roller and or the lever. I have welded a couple but it's easier to just replace everything. Is the metal around the two mounting bolts tore up and bent? Another common problem with these things.

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I cannot see any metal around the 2 mounting bolts tore up or bent.


I'm confused from the posts. Should I try and push the door check back into the door or try and push/pull it out of the door?

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