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Pace Setter Header

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Its been talked about....(i know, I've searched)...but I'm still going to ask. I'm thinking of putting a pace setter header on my 2.5L TBI but I'm wondering if itll clear everything underneath, mainly my front shaft. The facts we know:

Pacesetter only offers a header for the 2.5l on wranglers

The header will bolt up, but is not offered in a shorty design, however, i noticed with the down pipe included, the flange is right at the first bend, so it looks like it still hugs the oil pan for the same route, at least til it gets to the passenger side of the block.


...in other threads, people have mentioned that the amount of lift might effect clearance. Shouldnt there be more clearance for every bit of lift gained? I have 4.5"-5" of lift up front, however on the downside, my ax-5 is out of a wrangler so the t/c is clocked higher and i need my shafts cut to size yet. I'm running all new pipes all the way back, so I'm not worried about that....i just want to know if anyone could tell me if the header itself clears the front shaft in a stock ax-5 application with a moderate amount of lift

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