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Ax15 Internal Slave Question

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So my jeep has been apart for around 8 months and I'm workin on finishing things up. I went to put the internal slave back in and noticed there was no bearing it.. there was a bearing on my seat and went to put that on the slave but didn't quite work only let the slave move in and out about half an inch lol. So I'm trying to see where I can find just the bearing cause. The slave looks brand new and I'm not buying a clutch kit cause every thing was working excellent before I did the tear down. Just some how misplaced the bearing between now and 8 months ago lol

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Oh and this motor and trans is only temporary cause the motor only runs on 5cylinders and the trans grinds in 2nd and 3rd pretty bad so I have another 4.0 almost rebuilt and I'm workin on finding a new trans I just need to get the truck going cause I'm moving soon

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