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Uncle With An Mj!


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So one of my Christmas presents from my mom this year was a family vacation picture book from a trip we went on as a family just over 10 years ago. During the trip we stopped at my aunts house in Missoula, Montana. Apparently her husband at the time had a grey mj. I did not realize this until, looking through the book, I spotted a beautiful truck in the background. I clearly have an issue with always looking for Comanches since I spotted one looking back on the family vacation. Quite a small world. Being so close to my favorite truck when was only 13 and didn't even know I'd love them. I know y'all want the pic and I'm working on it. Just on a different computer.


in the meantime: any other stories like this??

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Don't we all keep our eyes and ears out for other MJs on the road? Over Christmas I spent some time at my aunt and uncle's place, and they wanted to come out and see what i was driving (first year with a license) it was quite a surprise when my uncle said he used to have one, but his was a white 4x4. It really is great to find out when the /passion/ for them runs in families.

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My grand parents had a farm in Mo near Joplin. He had a 1944 MB that me, all 17 of his kids and half the neighborhood kids learned to drive with. He also had a 1927 Dodge, 4dr sedan. I wanted both of them. Never brought the subject up as I figured one of the kids would want them. He died in 1965 at 81. I started to contact Grandma about the Jeep and Dodge but didn't. She married some joker from town and they sold the farm. Within a week of moving in the new owners had sold every piece of metal on the place for scrap. There's a moral here someplace. Just not sure what it would be. :dunno:

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