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Central Michigan Junkyard Comanches


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There was a fourth one there but I didnt have time to get a pictures of them and I am not sure of the years or anything. This is my stepdads college roommate's yard and there are tons of amcs and whatnot. As for the gray one no rust couldn't get the hood to see the motor or anything it is in great shape I use that term loosely :brows:. I am hoping to buy it in the summer from them. But it is in Midland so if you need parts or info get ahold of me its a great yard tons of old stuff very helpful and they would love some business as they have been forced to scrap a lot of the cool older cars.

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I didnt notice any visible bondo but like I said I didnt really have time to look it over real well. As for the stickers they seemed to be the same there was a little rust on the drivers rocker and it had a grey bench with and idiot light gauge pack. The next time I go back I will look them over better and take a few more pictures.

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