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Bulkhead Connector Goop

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I had occasion to demate my bulkhead electrical connector today.

I'm certain it has never been demated before. I'm also certain

that the clutch master does not leak. I've never had any type

of electrical problem with this connection, but I found it to be full

of black, sticky goop. The connectors are shiny (not corroded) but

it is an unholy mess. Is it supposed to be like this? Should I clean all

that stuff away, or should I just leave it alone? It looks and feels just

like roofing tar!

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Renix Jeep C101 Connector Refreshing


The C101 connector on 1987 and 1988 Renix Jeeps was a source of electrical resistance when the vehicles were new. So much so that the factory eliminated this connector in the 1989 and 1990 models. The factory recommended cleaning this connector to insure the proper voltage and ground signals between the ECU and the fuel injection sensors. We can only imagine how this connector has become a larger source of voltage loss and increased resistance over a period of almost 25 years. The C101 connector needs to be cleaned at least once in the lifetime of your vehicle. Chances are it’s never been done before.


Almost every critical signal between the engine sensors, injectors, ECU, and some to the TCU, travel this path through the C101 connector.

The C101 connector is located on the driver’s side firewall above and behind the brake booster. It is held together with a single bolt in it’s center. To get the connectors apart, simply remove the bolt and pull the halves apart. You will find the connector is packed with a black tar like substance which has hardened over time.

Take a pocket screwdriver or the like and scrape out all the tar crap you can. Follow up by spraying out both connector halves with brake cleaner and then swabbing out the remainder of the tar. Repeat this procedure until the tar is totally removed. This may require 3 or more repetitions. Wipe out the connectors after spraying with a soft cloth.

If you have a small pick or dental tool, tweak the female connectors on the one side so they grab the pins on the opposite side a bit tighter before bolting both halves back together.


Revised 07-17-2012

It's normal. Good idea to clean it.

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Interesting. Mine is a 1992, and there is such a copious quantity of this stuff that it can only

have been put there intentionally, at the time of original build. It is definitely not hardened,

it can be smeared easily with finger. It seems as if intended to inhibit moisture and corrosion,

and has done a pretty good job so far. I will clean it all out, but it will not be fun, especially

the cabin half. After it's gone, I guess I'll spray with contact cleaner, and then coat with the

modern connector paste. I really don't want to ever demate this connector again. Thanks!


What substance would you recommend I apply to seal the connector body to the bulkhead?

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