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Go Beserk flares for XJ on MJ?

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2dr flares are the ones that fit the MJ, the 4dr won't fit correctly. The difference is the rear flare is cut on the 4dr so it's a two piece with one going over the door while the other bolts to the quarter.

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Yes they fit. We've sold a few sets to the MJ guys.


You may have to trim just a smudge (they are fiberglass so it's easy) to get the contour correct at the bottom. If you specify when ordering that you want them for a MJ we can let Emil @ Iceland Offroad know and he'll contour them specifically for the MJ if you like.



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Thats ok, I'm not going to be ordering them for awhile anyhow. More important things to get first! maybe by then they will have a few on the shelf ready to go. I'm gonna have to do some photoshopping to get an idea what they might look like on a manche.

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