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Guage cluster swap...

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this should help. i just swaped mine. if you have just the warning lights you will just need to get the sensors for a cluster with gauges. sensors for cherokee or comanche should be the same. i had the cluster with oil, temp, and batt. gauges allready there. i didn't have to change any sensors. it all depends on what you currently have.



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I'm at work and I brought my TJ to work so I can't look right now, but I know it has the big gas guage on the left and then speedometer then a battery and oil, then umm haha I'm not so sure. If someone could post a pic of the 2 different kinds I could tell them and figure out what sensors I need...

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I got everything plugged up speedo works but the rpm doesn't.


my only guess is either the plug/wire in the back of the cluster is loose or whatever reads the rpm signal from the engine is bad :???: . mine just pluged right in and it works great. other than that i don't know

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Should I try flipping the plug in the back on the opposite side? Like flip it around and see if that does it?


i pluged mine back in with the same plugs in the same location. if it's pluged in the wrong way it's not gonna work.

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In class the other day my instructor said if the speedo cable is loose or not in all the way your speedometer could go back and forth rapidly... Mine does that... Should I pull it out, spray with some brake cleaner then dip some trans fluid on it and put it back in? But would that cause the rpm gauge not to work??

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