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Unknown part

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Ok, so there's that cylindrical object under the hood, attached to the firewall on the passenger side. It was making some noise after I tried starting my 87 4cyl 2.5(more on that later) and kept making noise after the key was out... and it was slightly vibrating to the touch.


I had a solid crank and about an hour later it was just clicks so I have it back on the charger.


What is that thing and why is it draining my battery?



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probably your heater box fan.



if it stays on, the resistor has fried in the heaterbox. passenger side inside the cab under the knee bar attatched to the heaterbox with two small hex screws, it has an electrical connector with I think 5 wires coming to it.


grab one from the junkyard, swap it, you should be good to go.

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