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TJ nv3550 fitment

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Hello I recently bought a '92 4.0 2wd comanche and I plan on converting it to 4x4, I've read that the TJ nv3550 should bolt in, the thing i'm worried about is the clocking for the transfer case, would the TJ tranny clock the T-case too high where it would contact the body? any other advice greatly appreciated... thanks a lot

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I have a 99 TJ trans in my 88 and it's close, but doesn't touch. Now, mine is a bit different than most since I have a custom crossmember that raises the assembly up a small amount and I snipped off one useless aluminum tab on the corner of the t-case (which might have touched so I cut it off preemptively), but with a stock truck it should all work fine.


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I had MJ parts and TJ parts available to me and aren't quite sure which links I used (I think I used all MJ stuff). but the bracket is custom. I saw that two unused bolt holes lines up with the imaginary pivot point and so made my own bracket from a flat piece of steel. :thumbsup:


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