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Do I have bad Gas?

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Ive been working on the MJ for almost a year now, the last time I filled it up was March 08. Today I drove it and let it run for a while and when I stab the gas it sputters and almost sounds like its choking itself, but if I ease into the gas it runs fine . I added some stabil and octane boost about 3 or 4 months ago, but I'm not sure if it helped. You guys think its old/bad gas making it choke?

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Gasoline has a "shelf" life of about 2-3 weeks.........so if your running gas that's almost a year old...........and didn't put any sta-bil in it at the fresh state........it's bad gas, run it out, or replace it.......adding fresh gas to the tank will not help at all. Plus with all the sitting time, I'm sure you picked up moister in the gas tank that's not helping at all.

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  Wildman said:
Gasoline has a "shelf" life of about 2-3 weeks.........so if your running gas that's almost a year old...........and didn't put any sta-bil in it at the fresh state........it's bad gas, run it out, or replace it.......adding fresh gas to the tank will not help at all. Plus with all the sitting time, I'm sure you picked up moister in the gas tank that's not helping at all.



But: I have jumped in cars that haven't been filled up in a long long time, and more often than not the fuel is still okay, not optimal by any means, but will suffice.


I think its probably more likely (disclaimer: I'm no expert) that while the gas was sitting any rust/dirt/debris inside the fuel system got a good chance to settle, and when you fired it up you have clogged something, like a fuel filter or injector.


A throttle position sensor can also have the symptoms you describe.


You are starting in the right place, try getting rid of the fuel, and if that works congratulations!

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If you have a half tank add i gallon of Toulene to it. It is one of the main additives in fuel.


I used this in my turbo car at one gallon of 93 octaine premium to five gallons and was able to up the boost 5 psi. :chillin:


My one XJ sat for 3 years with 3/4's of a tank of gas. It would hardly run after fighting with it to start. I went to the hardware store and bought 2 gallons of toulene and it ran great. :brows:


Toulene is about 112 octane. I add about two ounce's of trans fluid per gallon of Toulene just to give it some lubrication.


They used to run 98% Toulene and 2% lubricants in Formula One cars. jamminz.gif


Most hardware stores carry it.



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just to add my opinion on stabalizers and such, i recommend seafoam over the stabil. it stabalizes great and prevents varnish and gum better. plus, it cleans things up when you start using the vehicle again. i love the stuff and have been using it since the 80's. i use it in my vehicles that are stored or sit for long periods as well as the mower, snowblower, the clubs mowers, everything. i also add a can to the fuel every 3 months to keep things clean. :thumbsup:


for those of you that have to smog test, i guess it can help a vehicle pass (no experience with this though).

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