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MJ to XJ all power Doors (need Help)

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I pulled 2 97 jeep xj doors that are all electric for my 90 jeep comanche. I am really tired of pulling up to a drive throught and am fighting againt the vent window to get the food. Also i would love to be able to roll down my pasanger side window with out having to reach across my truck and turn the crank. I am looking for a wire diagram so i can build my own wiring harnes. Most people so far have told me to pull a complete one out of another xj but being a Electrical Major at Texas A&M i am redoing alot of the wiring my self. I have the chiltons book but the way they lay the wiring out is confusing. I do know there was a articul in the JAN2009 JP mag but i did leave this at college station. I also found the other post with a few wiring diagrams but when i tried to print or view them on my computer i could not read the color of the wires. Can anyone help me??

:hmm: :thumbsup:

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Click Here and you will find downloadable complete factory service manuals that should help you out. I know there is someone on here that has done this fairly recently, but I can't remember who at the moment. Do a little searching in the DIY & Project forums and you should find it.
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  Duner said:
I pulled 2 97 jeep xj doors that are all electric for my 90 jeep comanche. I am really tired of pulling up to a drive throught and am fighting againt the vent window to get the food. Also i would love to be able to roll down my pasanger side window with out having to reach across my truck and turn the crank. I am looking for a wire diagram so i can build my own wiring harnes. Most people so far have told me to pull a complete one out of another xj but being a Electrical Major at Texas A&M i am redoing alot of the wiring my self. I have the chiltons book but the way they lay the wiring out is confusing. I do know there was a articul in the JAN2009 JP mag but i did leave this at college station. I also found the other post with a few wiring diagrams but when i tried to print or view them on my computer i could not read the color of the wires. Can anyone help me?? :hmm: :thumbsup:


Send me a PM w. an email address and I'll send you a wiring diagram.

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