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95 XJ Two Door Cherokee Seats with brackets (Buford, GA)


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I pulled these seats from a two door Cherokee with intent to reupholster, build suitable brackets, and use in my Comanche.  The main reason I got them was they are 2 door seats so they come all the way forward to get behind the seats in the cab.  Shortly after getting them I decided to go in another direction.  I've held on to them a bit but now they need to go.  I'm getting closer to moving and I must start to clear clutter.  The driver's seat has sat on top the passenger for a bit that is the indent in the passenger cushion.  It should come out over a few days.  The driver's seat was intended to get reupholstered so it is a bit thread bare in several spots especially by the drivers side shoulder where I'm guessing the seatbelt rubbed against the seat all the time.  Cleaned up they can be pretty decent seats.


$99 for the set.










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