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Lots of Jeep Hardware and sensors and stuff Upstate, SC


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I have a bunch of random hardware for Jeeps and some sensors and stuff. Figure I could help someone out that’s trying to find something weird.


Got a ton of unit bearing bolts $1 each+ shipping



Other miscellaneous hardware not sure what it’s really worth, quite a few TB springs for manual jeeps $5 a spring. Other stuff make an offer, maybe bundle.




Behind my hand shadow are screws like the ones that go along the top of the bottom dash piece.




Wiper switch $10

Wiper stalk $2

Black door handle button $1

Sensors $20 obo each

Speedo gear $10

Coil $15



Mini relays $2 each



Flasher relays $5 each


Regular 5 pin relays $1 each



Distributor $15 OBO came out of a 97 zj I think




Wiper breakers $2 each OBO



will make a deal on multiple things. Will sell all unit bearing bolts, will NOT sell entire organizers as I still use this stuff too. I will make a deal or toss stuff in with other items posted in the for sale section. I have a ton of fuses in different sizes and such (used) so if you buy something from me and need a couple of a certain size or something I can throw those in too. Make an offer on whatever. PM me with bundles you want to make. Everything can be shipped on your dime.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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