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Shock valving Question.

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Hey guys, 


Just joined the forum after i got my first MJ (400$).  I have been working on XJs/TJs mostly for the last few years and wanted an MJ and picked this one up when the opportunity presented itself.  Ive been building up some D44s for this MJ and will be swapping them in soon. 


Here is my question, I'll be getting Bilstein 7100 reservoir shocks soon and wanted to know if I should get different valving for front and rear.  Considering the bed is lighter in the rear than an XJ I thought maybe this could be a factor when buying shocks.  I wanted to get 360/80 valving for the MJ since those provide a pretty good ride for XJs over the bumpy stuff when you're doing the go-fast stuff.  should I get 275/78 for the rear? I don't want the rear end kicking around like crazy. Anything helps and thanks for the add to the forum. 



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