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Cheapest Long Arm Setup?

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Where did you hear that lifts are illegal in Ontario?


Because I live in a border town, you have to declare anything you bring across. Many people try to bring lifted trucks back across from buying them in the US and they will not be let into Ontario because of the lift. A friend spent a month trying to bring across a 1984 chevy with 8 inchs of lift and 38's. It sounds like BS but we have to deal with it all the time. The biggest truck here thats legally on the road is a 90's gmc with 11" of lift and 35's

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Sounds more like the tech doing the pre-licensing inspection not wanting to take sign off a big unknown. I can see that.


AFAIK there is nothing in Ontario law that makes lifts illegal.


Thats what we all figure up here. There's no law saying that lifts are illegal but the MTO is full of............ you can kinda guess what I wanted to say but I respect the forum. They give us heck if we have oversized tires

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